Neti Pot Cleansing + Nasya for Clearing Airways


Do you have sinus issues or do you have a cold or excess mucus? Nasal cleansing with a neti pot is a traditional Ayurvedic practice that purifies and revitalizes the breathing passages. A neti pot is a small container with a spout that can be gently placed into your nostrils, allowing you to administer warm salt water. This process naturally removes excess mucus, pollen, dust, and other environmental irritants from the sinus passages. Using a neti pot can help:

  • Reduce allergies

  • Relieve sinus and nasal congestion

  • Ease headaches

  • Prevent upper respiratory infections and colds

  • Improve your sense of smell and taste

  • Decrease snoring

  • Soothe dry nasal passages

  • Improve breathing

  • Reduce the need for medications such as antihistamines and decongestants


Nasya is an Ayurvedic practice in which you lubricate the nasal membranes with a few drops of oil. It’s especially important to use nasya after the neti pot because the oil will nourish the freshly cleared passages to help prevent drying.


Choose an edible grade of sesame, almond, or olive oil. Herbalized aromatic oils that contain small amounts of camphor, eucalyptus, and menthol can also be used. (You can also check out Banyan Botanicals’ Nasya Oil here and use code 15DASH for 15% off your first order)

Place a drop of the oil on your baby finger and apply it gently inside your nostril.

Then, gently inhale, allowing the oil to penetrate the nasal membranes.

Repeat on the other side.

You can apply nasya several times per day. It is particularly recommended when the weather is cold, dry, or windy, and when the air is filled with pollen or dust.

Download the Neti Pot Cleansing + Nasya PDF guide below so you have quick access to these instructions when you need them!


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