Visualize Your Future: My Vision Board Tips and Tricks

“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”  

Muhammad Ali

I have always wanted to create a vision board. It was always one of those things I never thought I had the time or energy for, so I kept putting it off. But, I finally did one! Wow, what an experience.

My daughter and I got some magazines, boards, glue sticks and started our project! After about an hour, I looked over at her board, immediately got sad, and blurted out, “Yours is so much better than mine☹️”. I realized I still need to work on the stories I tell myself. 

I am proud that I just sat with my feelings. I asked her where she got some of her ideas, I noticed what I liked about hers. Then I sat with my feelings some more. She finished her board and she loved it and I loved it.  

At that moment I decided I couldn’t finish mine. I needed to do some more internal work on what my vision really was. I was tired. I put it aside, some pieces in place, but not glued yet and let it sit. A few weeks later, I was home by myself on a Saturday night. I was so excited, I realized that was the environment I needed to finish my vision board. Candle lit, music playing, at my favorite spot in the house with space to dance around as I went back and forth to the printer. I finished my board! Well, at least I thought I did. I loved it and at the same time, felt it was missing something. So again, I let it sit, this time more permanent, everything was glued on. A few days later, I was looking through my journal for something and found some notes I had taken. That was it. I found the last piece of the puzzle, and glued that on! It's done, it feels good, at least for now.  

Here’s what I learned to make the most out of vision boarding: 

  • Know your WHY

    • When I got frustrated my board wasn’t turning out how I expected I realized it was because I wasn’t clear what my intentions were. Once you know your why, ideas will flow. 

  • Create the right environment 

    • Creating a vision board is more about the process than the final product. Do what you can to create a comforting space. Can you engage all your senses? 

  • Give yourself space and grace

    • This process can be as long or short as you need it to be. Don’t give up! 

  • It’s a process – embrace imperfection and impermanence

    • Your vision board doesn’t need to be perfect. It can always be changed. If you are unsure about something just let it be and come back to it. 

  • Don’t let it collect dust, use it

    • Put your board somewhere where you can see it every day. It serves as a reminder to be yourself and to work towards your goals. 


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